Cloud Surfing Network

Cloud Surfing with Jake Rider

The standard guest show with friends, both new and old, discussing the careers or passions that they pursue. Guests include former military personnel, a graphic design artist, and everything in-between.

The Jake Rider Show

This is where Jake will post everything that will most likely get him put on some sort of government watch list.

American Homicide with Jake Rider

American Homicide takes over the Homisodes from the original Cloud Surfing show. Find your need for True Crime here!

how i bet your mother

how i bet your mother is the newest Podcast on the Cloud Surfing Network! Ryan, Jake, and Paul are three life-long sports fans that bet on parleys each week to bring you our wins and loses and see how accurate our picks are! Thanks for joining along!





-Hankey Law

-Spreaker, Ink

-Patreon Members


Guest Spots

Guest Spots are always available and always welcome! During the podcast, guests will have the time they need to tell their story; whatever it may be. Open-minded, yet still critical, conversations are common and always have a comedic and entertaining feeling to it with a positive vibe.